By Nirmala Carvalho
Feb 26 2022
To help India reach the goal of zeroing the impact of carbon dioxide emissions taken at the Glasgow Conference, the Catholic schools of the great metropolis are asking pupils to adopt lifestyles compatible with this goal. P. Magi Murzello: “Our land invented zero in mathematics, now we have to make this new contribution”
Mumbai – Fr Magi Murzello, rector of the St. Andrews Educational Foundation has launched the “Zero Out Carbon” program in all Catholic educational institutions of the archdiocese of Mumbai. On 1 November, India officially committed itself to COP26, the International Climate Conference held in Glasgow, to undertake the path towards zeroing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. “Through the Zero Out Carbon initiative – she explains to AsiaNews Fr. Murzello – we became the first school in India to start a decarbonization project “
P. Magi underlines the link between these efforts and the magisterium of Pope Francis, who insists on the theme of the “energy transition” in the encyclicals Laudato si e Fratelli tutti. The very first encyclical of a pope on the environment was released by Fr. Murzello, through EduFocus , the magazine of the Archdiocesan Council of Education of which he is the director. On the cover, the cleric wanted to publish an image of Ayabhata, the father of Indian mathematics who is considered the inventor of the zero digit. “The introduction of zero – he comments – is considered the most exquisite jewel of the Indian crown and its greatest cultural product that has revolutionized the world of science. We hope that with the commitment made in Glasgow India will offer another diamond in its crown ”.
“Our schools – continues the religious – must be at the center of this transformation, because they stimulate change in the community. In fact, young people have been the driving force behind climate action all over the world as they have to safeguard their future ”.
To help India achieve its goals, both staff and students received a document that they signed with a personal commitment to take action to reduce carbon emissions through their lifestyle. “Children could choose to turn off the lights and fans and unplug electronic gadgets when they are not in use – suggests Fr. Murzello -, recycle tetra-packs, glass and plastic. Use canvas bags instead of plastic and ride a bike or walk to school, perhaps calculating your carbon footprints through a special app. The goal is to educate family and friends to reduce their impact on carbon emissions “.
The Zero Out Carbon initiative will continue throughout the year: “We expect this project to be welcomed by other schools in the city and across the country very soon and touch the life of every Indian.” – AsiaNews