A youth sharing his experience of scrutinising the Bible at Sacred Heart Parish Centre, on Sunday, Sep 20
By Joe Leong
Sep 21 2020
KOTA KINABALU – A group of 27 youth from the Neocatechumenal communities of the parishes of Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) here and the Stella Maris Church at Tanjung Aru, spent an hour scrutinising the Scriptures on Sunday, Sep 20.
Young people from these communities in Sabah have been doing so on a monthly basis since April 2019 following the declaration by Pope Francis dedicating the third Sunday in Ordinary Time to the Word of God.

Archbishop John Wong was present at the monthly gathering of the youth in November 2019, at the hall of the SHC parish centre.
The three priests who accompanied them at last Sunday’s meeting were: SHC parish priest Fr Paul Lo, Fr Saimon William, and Fr Joshua Liew who sang the Gospel.
Fr Paul gave the homily and later led the youth in saying the Vespers and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
He told Catholic Sabah that such meetings had stopped since the MCO was imposed and that Sunday’s gathering marked the resumption since church gathering are now allowed.
“Since we have to observe the SOP, like social distancing and the wearing of the face mask, we keep the gathering on a smaller scale, having only youth from two parishes,” explained Fr Paul.
He said he fully agrees with the statement made by Pope Francis saying that reading the Bible, and praying with it, is “the best vaccine” for the communities.
The Holy Father made that reference at the Vatican during a meeting with members of the Catholic Biblical Federation in April 2019.
In order to avoid large gatherings, youth from Neocatechumenal communities in parishes at Kepayan, Dontozidon and Tuaran would have Scrutatio of the Scriptures on other Sundays.