By Pauline Yeo, Caritas Malaysia
Dec 15 2023
Caritas Malaysia is the official arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM) engaging in works of integral human development, charity, relief, care for creation and social services. It is a network of members from nine diocesan Caritas/ human development offices with affiliates from congregations and other Catholic organisations engaged in the field of integral human development and charity at a national level. We seek to work with communities, non-governmental organisations, and local authorities to promote an inclusive and sustainable development for all.
Our Mission:
Caritas Malaysia is inspired by the Gospels and the social teachings of the Catholic Church. We promote integral human development, advocate on the causes of poverty and violence and respond to humanitarian crises. We are called to equip, empower, and animate members of Caritas Malaysia, Catholic communities, and all people of good will. We are called to be in solidarity with our disenfranchised brothers and sisters, and with all of creation. We work to ensure that our natural environment is managed responsibly and sustainably for all.
A Spirituality of Being Contemplatives In Action/Doing:
Our spirituality is guided by three principles: sanctity, synodality, and solidarity. These principles are rooted in our faith and the structure, operation, and work of Caritas. They are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, emphasising the unique approach of Caritas as distinct from other secular civil organisations. There is no hierarchy among these principles, and they are all essential in motivating our service.
1. Sanctity: The universal call to holiness is a teaching of the Roman Catholic Church that all people are called to be holy and is based on Matthew 5:48: “Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Chapter V of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium discusses the Universal Call to Holiness: …all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity; …They must follow in His footsteps and conform themselves to His image seeking the will of the Father in all things. They must devote themselves with all their being to the glory of God and the service of their neighbour.
2. Synodality: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). “Enlarge the space of your tent, spread out your tent cloths unsparingly, lengthen your ropes and make firm your pegs” (Is 54:2).
Synodality is the way of the Church (based on the way of Jesus) and therefore invariably the way of Caritas.
3. Solidarity: (Lk 4:16-18 and Matt 25:40)
The aim of moving to action is solidarity. One of the pillars of a Christian spirituality of solidarity—belief in a God who became human like us and in so doing revealed the true dignity of each human being. And therefore, the spirituality of solidarity begins with honouring the divine presence in each human being: Solidarity and compassion is love in action. We are called to take up the mantle of prophecy, to discern the signs of the times, and to be an ever-present balm in a troubled world. The experiences and hopes of people who are disadvantaged and living in poverty inspire and imbue the ministry of Caritas.
Our work ethics and processes at Caritas Malaysia are driven by three guiding principles of the Catholic Social Teaching:
1. Subsidiarity: Empowering all levels inside and outside Caritas to ensure that decision making happens at the most appropriate level and that those affected have a voice in the entire process.
2. Common good: Working in solidarity, for the good of all in society, by respecting the rights and dignity of every person regardless of their background.
3. Co-responsibility: Each level – local community, parish, diocese and national office collaborating with laity, religious and clergy as one body – to grow the social mission of the Catholic Church, to serve the poor and marginalised so as to promote integral development and charity for the attainment of peace and justice.