Live-streamed Mass of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Feast Day presided by Fr Paul Lo and assistant priests June 10 at Sacred Heart Cathedral
By Agnes Chai
June 14 2021
KOTA KINABALU – Five priests and a handful assisting as lectors, sacristan and technicians were present at the live streamed Mass to mark the parish feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus at Sacred Heart Cathedral June 10.
Though celebrating the Mass in isolation was a stark reminder that the nation is still battling to flatten the curve of the pandemic, parish priest Fr Paul Lo, as main celebrant, affirmed that the Church is doing her best to help the nation to halt the spread of the pandemic by observing all SOP restrictions.
With him at the altar were assistant priests Fathers Sunny Chung, Russell Lawrine, Joshua Liew and Saimon William.
Though the SOP restrictions have set back many church activities and suspended Mass, Fr Paul was pleased to note that the parishioners have exhibited oneness in heart and spirit as a parish family in celebrating the patronal feast day during MCO for the second year in a row.
As parishioners of Sacred Heart Cathedral, the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is an occasion to celebrate the tremendous love of God for His people. “No matter how many times we betray His love, how many times we are unfaithful, God is always faithful and never abandons us; He always comes to us, especially in our most desperate situations, accompanying us often silently,” underlined the parish priest.
“When we experience problems, crises in life, especially now that we are living in trying times of the pandemic, we question God, we doubt Him in our hearts; but in the midst of our misery, God is always with us. He never abandons us,” assured Fr Paul.
To Sacred Heart parishioners, he urged them “to learn from the Heart of Jesus, to love with the Heart of Jesus, as we have experienced His love when we are baptized, when we respond in our various vocations given to us by the Lord,” as he gave a vivid description of the portrait of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and its symbolisms.
He entreated the people to always look at the pierced heart of Jesus in the portrait, as if God opens His heart to show us how much He loves us, lest we forget our blessings when we are settled down in good times.
He called them to “be agent of Jesus’ love and His mercy, by showing concern and love to those around us, especially those who are suffering from the COVID-19 and in need of our care, love and prayers during the lockdown.”
To help the people to better prepare to celebrate the parish feast day, SHC parish organized a three-day virtual Triduum Jun 8-10. Fr Paul noted with joy and gratitude that a good number logged in. He exhorted the audience to pray for themselves so that their faith might be strengthened, and not to lose hope but to have the eyes of faith to see the presence of the Lord especially in this difficult time under MCO. He also prayed for the repose of the late Cardinal Cornelius Sim who went back to the Lord on May 29, while not forgetting to pray for sufferers of the COVID-19, those who died from the infection and for the grieving families.
Before concluding, he also reminded the parishioners that the feast day also coincided with the commemoration of the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests. He informed that the parish would, for the second year in a row, participate in the Global Rosary Relay to pray for priests the following day on Jun 11.
The initiative was originally taken up by the youth of the parish, but the SOP restrictions and roadblocks have derailed their plans to conduct the rally themselves. Despite the upheaval, the rally, conducted by the parish priest and his assistants, went on smoothly.
In conjunction with the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests, Fr Paul called all faithful to pray for their shepherds, the priests and bishops, that they may manifest the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and that God will help them to be a priest like the Good Shepherd.