By Lissa Johannes
Oct 22 2020
IN conjunction with “Protect Our Earth, Protect Our Children” campaign launched Sep 1 nationwide, three Sabah dioceses – Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese, Keningau Diocese and Sandakan Diocese – have decided to run an Earth Hour program simultaneously all over Sabah every 23rd of the month, starting Oct 2020 until Aug 2021.
The Earth Hour program is jointly organized by the three environmental commissions – Creation Justice Commission Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese, Commission in Harmonizing God’s Creation Keningau Diocese and Creation Justice Commission Sandakan Diocese.
The program is in line with the campaign’s theme for the first year “Use Less Electricity”. It is also a concrete initiative and action that can be done by all the faithful throughout Sabah in addressing global climate change.
Earth Hour only needs you to switch off all electricity for one hour starting at 8.00 pm until 9.00 pm at your own respective homes. All are encouraged to recite the Holy Rosary with your family during the Earth Hour.
Let us together share, commit and make this campaign a success to protect our earth and our next generation.