Candidate receiving first Communion from Fr Sylvester Wong
By Michael Guntili
Oct 8 2022
ST Michael Kironggu Chapel welcomed 16 new members to their congregation after they received their First Holy Communion.
Fr Sylvester Wong presided the Mass in conjunction with the chapel’s patronal feast day of St Michael the Archangel on 29 Sep.
More than 200 parishioners joined the celebration, which included several members from the Indonesian migrant community.
In his homily, Fr Sylvester emphasized that St Michael the Archangel is not a saint, but rather an angel, and the leader of all angels and of the heavenly army of God. He protects us from all evil and wickedness. As St Michael is the patron for the chapel, we should consistently pray for his protection from evil.
Immediately after Mass, Fr Sylvester and the congregation adjourned to a fellowship and thanksgiving lunch. The event was enlivened with colourful presentations, not only by the locals but also from the migrant community.