Archbishop John Wong
By Agnes Chai
June 25 2020
KARAMUNSING – Sacred Heart Cathedral parishioners celebrated their patronal feast day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with online Masses during the weekend of Jun 20/21.
The mellowed celebration was a far cry from the activity-packed celebration from yesteryears, which stretched over a week. The week-long fiesta that used to be, comprised an elaborate program that had something for every category of participating parishioners – the elderly, children, marrieds, singles, the sick, the migrants.
Traditionally, the festival coincides with the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests, which is meaningfully commemorated with an organized Study Day for the diocesan clergy, followed by Sunset Mass.
However, the restrictions that were put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic could not subdue the Word of God that brings refreshment to the audience following the live streamed Mass broadcasted from Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Coming to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is essentially coming to the “selfless, outpouring and all embracing” love that Jesus invites us to. This symbol of love that “burns for us” is a welcomed Good News for us who are “tired from the demands of life, overburdened by worries, beaten down by failure, and saddened by loss,” underscored Archbishop John Wong.
He assured that Jesus knows how embattled we are by COVID-19, and how hard we labour each day. His Sacred Heart continued to bid us go to Him for He wants to “shoulder our burdens, fears and anxieties” with us.
Continuing to preach on the gratuitous gift of Jesus’ compassionate heart which Jesus is offering us, the Archbishop pointed out that it is not because we have done anything to deserve such love and mercy. He affirmed “Jesus’ love is a total free gift for us!”
He added, Jesus urges “Come to me all you who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest…” for His rest gives us inner peace that calms our troubled heart and the joy that removes the burdens in life.
Assuring that God loves us indeed, and that He is faithful to Him promise, the preacher encouraged the people to “listen and accept Jesus’ invitation “Come to me… and learn from me, for I am humble and gentle of heart…”.
The assured love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is indeed a huge boon for us as we continue to struggle in the unknowns of post-COVID living.