The newly inducted members of APC – (From Left) Sr Roseling Siaw Chen FSP, APC Ramiro Flores (Manila), APC Amiel Ilandag (Manila), Fr.Edward Dantis SSP, APC Joshua S. Yangus (Kota Kinabalu), APC Noreen Ooi (Kota Kinabalu) and Sr Rosalie Lojiu FSP
By CS / Joshua S. Yangus
Dec 1 2023
PASAY CITY – On Oct 29, a Sabahan lad, Joshua Sam Yangus, 32, pledged a promise of commitment and was formally inducted as a member of the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC) at the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary Church, Pasay City, Manila Philippines.
Sharing that the event was the most exciting journey of his life, he recorded his grateful thanks to all who had contributed to that day.
“I am truly grateful for this opportunity, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciations to everyone involved in my calling until induction as a Pauline Cooperator and a member of the big Pauline Family.”
“Firstly, I would like to thank Sr Jennifer Han FSP who first accepted my application and managed the APC formation courses in the beginning.”
“Secondly, Sr Roseling Siaw Chen FSP who continued to manage and provide the APC formation until the end. She had guided and put us into the focus of the Pauline Charism. She also granted our requests so that we could do our retreat and induction in Manila, Philippines. She had worked closely with Sr Rosalie Lojiu FSP, the APC National Coordinator, to ensure the coordination of the whole retreat and induction were successful. She had worked tirelessly to prepare and ensure the success of the retreat and induction. Sr Rosalie’s words of encouragement: “the APC is the root and bridge of the Pauline Family” are indeed something that I will hold profoundly.”
“Sr Maggie Chong FSP and Sr Mary Sualeh FSP, thank you for your inputs and words of advice about the Mind, Will and Heart.”
“I also would like to thank Fr Edward Dantis SSP our retreat master and presider, who inspired us with his knowledge, advice and dedications about the Pauline Family and spirituality.”
“Other APC members and formators – Judy Jipanin, Theresa Gumpodo, Emily Tongkul , Bernadette Jilimin and Sylvester Spiji. Thank you.”
“Lastly, to our families, and especially to my beloved wife, Gloria Shellylane Gabriel, who has been so understanding and supportive of me,” said Joshua.
The Pauline Cooperators are lay men and women of the Pauline Family who have made the Promise to be a Cooperator, that is to support the mission of the Society of St Paul and Daughters of St Paul, religious congregations dedicated to using modern media for evangelisation. Founded by Blessed James Alberione in 1917 at Alba, Italy, the Cooperators was the earliest among the Pauline Family being established by him. The statutes for Cooperators first laid out for lay congregation in 1918, under the title ‘Union of Pauline Cooperators for the Good Press’.
From 1915 to 1963, Blessed James had founded five religious institutes and another five secular institutes. The Daughters of St Paul was founded in 1915, followed by the Pauline Cooperators in 1917, Pious Disciples of the Divine Master in 1924, Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd in 1938, Queen of Apostles Sisters in 1959, Institutes of Jesus the Priest, Institutes of Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, and Institutes of Saint Gabriel the Archangel in 1960 and lastly Holy Family Institutes in 1963. – CS