A glimpse of the attendance of catechumens accompanied by their sponsors and RCIA facilitators during the Rite of Election
By Catherine Wan, photos by David Tan
Mar 8 2022
KOTA KINABALU – With more than a thousand of positive COVID-19 cases in Kota Kinabalu over the span of a few weeks, KK Archdiocese decided to call off the original plan of gathering catechumens from 19 parishes under the Archdiocese for the Rite of Election on the first Sunday of Lent Mar 6.
The change of decision was stated in a letter dated Feb 17 issued to all parishes by the spiritual adviser of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Commission, Fr Nicholas Stephen, informing that the rite was to be held at parish level instead of diocesan level.
84 catechumens were present for the Rite of Election celebrated by Archbishop John Wong at Sacred Heart Cathedral. There were 10 from the English speaking RCIA, 43 from Bahasa Malaysia speaking RCIA and five from the Chinese speaking RCIA of the Cathedral parish, whereas six from the English speaking RCIA from the sub-parish of Church of Mary Immaculate and 20 from the BM speaking RCIA of St Paul parish in Dontozidon.
The catechumens were accompanied by their sponsors and RCIA facilitators. As they entered into their final and more intense preparations for the Sacraments of Initiation during the coming Easter, the liturgical rite known as both Election and the Enrolment of Names, closed the lengthy period of catechumenate proper, that is. the formation process of the minds and hearts of the catechumens to follow Jesus.
Bearers of the Book of Elect (from left to right): Shawn Jee (SHC Eng RCIA), Adam Yong (SHC Chi RCIA), Masirah Ahkiew (SHC M RCIA), Nelson Fernandez (St Paul Parish) and Dr Lawrence Mah (CMI sub-parish) with Archbishop John Wong, Fr Paul Lo (on the right of the prelate), Fr Russell Lawrine (on the left of the prelate) and Fr Joshua Liew
This step is called Election because the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God in whose name the Church acts. It is also called the Enrolment of Names because as a pledge of fidelity the candidates inscribe their names in the register book that list those who have been chosen for Initiation. (RCIA no. 105-106)
Drawing from the liturgy of the Word based on Year A, the prelate exhorted them to be vigilant of the temptations from the world and from their sensual desires according to the Gospel of Mt 4:1-11.
Following the homily, the candidates were recommended by their godparents and catechists. They responded to the call of Christ to enter fully into the life of the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist by saying “We do”.
The bearer of the Book of Elect from the respective language of the same parish and the nearby sub-parish and parish went forward to present the Book of Elect to the prelate for his approbation after the candidates expressed their desire verbally.
Sacred Heart parish priest Fr Paul Lo, and assistant priests Fr Russell Lawrine and Fr Joshua Liew accompanied the coordinators of Sacred Heart, St Paul Dontozidon and Church of Mary Immaculate respectively to present the Book of Elect to the prelate.
About 200 faithful comprising godparents, family members and friends were in attendance to support and pray for the smooth journey and preparation for the Elects. The event concluded with the signing of the Book of Elect by the Archbishop.