Gemelli Hospital in Rome
By Vatican News
Jul 10 2021
Pope Francis continues his hospital stay following his surgery last Sunday. He expresses his gratitude to the Gemelli Hospital medical staff caring for him and his closeness to all who are suffering.
The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, issued a statement on Saturday with the daily medical update on how Pope Francis is doing. In his statement he notes that “Pope Francis’ day was calm, with the expected clinical progress. His blood tests are satisfactory and he is continuing the prescribed treatment.”
The Pope is “gradually resuming work and continues to stroll in the corridor of the apartment. In the afternoon, he celebrated Holy Mass in the private chapel and in the evening he dined with those who are assisting him during these days.”
The statement concludes noting that “The Holy Father, experiencing first-hand the human dedication of the medical and health personnel assisting him, has addressed a special thought to all those who with care and compassion choose the face of suffering, engaging in a personal relationship with the sick, especially the most fragile and vulnerable.”
On Sunday, Pope Francis, is scheduled to lead the recitation of the Angelus prayer from Gemelli Hospital, which will be broadcast live by Vatican Media.