To all Parish Priests,
- The Federal Ministry of National Unity has been entrusted to oversee the implementation of the SOP for reopening of all non-Islamic places of worship.
- At the State level, it is the Ministry of Law and Native Affairs that oversees the implementation of the SOP.
- Before the reopening of our churches:
Role of the Archdiocese:
- To come up with its own “Protocol for Religious Services” for all parishes.
- The Archdiocese is required to inform the State Ministry of Law and Native Affairs regarding the list of churches which are reopened, and the date to reopen.
- The Archdiocese will submit to the State Ministry by 29 June 2020 the list which was given by parishes earlier. If there are any changes, please inform the Archdiocesan Secretariat latest by 27/6/2020, Saturday, 12 noon.
Attention to all Parishes:
- Please start to carry out the necessary preparations based on the “Protocol for Religious Services in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu”.
- No need to inform the local authorities when you reopen the church on 11-12 July 2020. Just go ahead to celebrate the Mass. The Archdiocese would have informed the State Ministry concerned before that.
- Officials from the State Ministry of Law and Native affairs together with the local authorities (District Council/DBKK/Health Department) will once in a while go down to inspect those churches listed for reopening regarding their compliance to the SOP.
I hope we can prepare our people well for this “new normal”.
Thank you for your cooperation.
+ Most Reverend John Wong
Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu
The Protocol for Religious Services
Aim & Objective: To create a safer environment against the spread of COVID-19
Basis of Protocol: Based on pastoral circumstances and the SOP Guidelines issued by Federal & State Governments
Period Covered: RMCO (until 31 August 2020)
Note : This Protocol is given due to our extraordinary situation. They are therefore temporary in nature.
- Only one-third of the capacity of the church is allowed to be occupied.
- Social distancing is to be applied at all times and no physical contact is allowed.
- This Protocol is applied to all churches which are to be reopened in the parish.
- While Sunday and weekday Masses will already be celebrated, the live streaming of Masses, at least on Sundays, will continue for those who are unable to participate in community celebrations due to sickness, old age, fear and caution.
- The Mass schedules and venues are based on the ones submitted to the Archdiocese earlier.
- During this extraordinary situation, dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation is granted.
- As far as possible, the duration of Mass should not be more than one hour.
- All preparations are to be ready by 1st week of July. Masses in churches which are ready to be reopened are to be resumed on 2nd weekend of July, i.e. 11-12 July 2020. We do it together as a diocese.
A “Parish Health Team” (PHT) is to be set up whose role is to oversee the implementation of this Protocol. Its tasks would include:
- To ascertain the number of people allowed to participate in each Mass. It is the task of the Parish Priest and PPC to determine how to allocate that number fairly across all segments of the parish.
- To make available thermometers and ensure continuous supply of hand sanitizers, disinfectants and soap for church goers.
- To form Sub-Teams to undertake the range of tasks related to the Protocol. Younger volunteers are encouraged to join.
- To conduct briefing and training to members of the Sub-Teams on their role and functions.
- To ensure the parishioners are fully aware and realise the importance of the new normal.
- To liaise/deal with officials of Health Department, Local Authorities, State Ministry of Laws and Native Affairs, and Federal Ministry of National Unity on the implementation of the government SOP.
- Churches identified for reopening have to be sanitised.
- Entrance and exits to the church are to be clearly marked.
- Places to be occupied in the pews should be indicated to help people keep social/physical distancing.
- Holy water fonts should be emptied and covered.
- Toilets must be properly maintained and soap be made available for proper hand washing.
- Sufficient litter bins/tong are to be placed in strategic location in the church compound.
- A counter is to be set up at church entrance for the purpose of checking body temperatures and recording of church goers.
- Body temperatures and records (names, contact numbers and arrival time) of church goers are to be taken. Those above 37.5 degree are advised to return home.
- No gathering/socialising at church entrance.
- Once seated at place assigned by wardens, congregation should avoid unnecessary movements/interactions.
- To avoid contacts, collections are to be dropped into boxes placed at church doors as the people enter the church.
- The person/s who prepare/s the hosts, water and wine for consecration need/s to observe proper hygiene and health protocols.
- Everyone should wear face mask, except the celebrant.
- There will be no offertory procession. Offerings can be dropped in a basket at the back of the church and wardens will bring these to sacristy after Mass.
- No handshakes during the sign of peace.
- The flow of the communicants should be so directed that there be no meeting of people. They come from one side and go to the other side after communion. A distance of one meter in between is to be maintained as communicants come forward to receive communion.
- The face mask is to be worn by all the Mass servers — altar servers, lay ministers, sacristans and lectors when not reading.
- The celebrant and the Extraordinary ministers of holy communion should wear face masks during the giving of the communion.
- The lay ministers and priests should sanitise their hands before and after they give communion.
- No touching of statues and doors as the congregation orderly move out of the church.
- Those who want their medals, rosaries, statuettes and other materials to be blessed by the priest should line up a meter apart at a place determined by the parish.
- No gathering/socialising at church entrance. Wardens are to ensure no one is hanging around in church compound after Mass.
- A group of volunteers can be organised to sanitise the pews. If there is a second Mass that follows, the time gap should be at least one to one and a half hours depends on the size of the church.
- The entire church needs to be disinfected at least once a week.
- Cleanliness of the church and its compound is to be maintained.
- All those who are involved in the implementation of the Protocol are to undertake health screening before they resume their duties.
- Those who have chronic illnesses, senior citizens (70yrs and above) and children below 12 years old are discouraged to attend services.
- Usage of toilets is to be limited, to avoid overcrowding.
- Church doors are to be opened only during the time of services.
- No scheduled activities such as Sunday schools are allowed.
- Proper and good ventilation in the places of worship are to be ensured.
- Prayer leaders who have fever and are sick are not allowed to perform services.
- Weddings in places of worship are not allowed until after 31 July 2020 (Ref. JPN.KC:163/15/2 klt3)
- For funeral service at home, house owner is to ensure social distancing is enforced. The crowd should not be more than 20 at any one time. Record of those present is to be taken for contact tracing purpose. Senior members (70 years and above) are not allowed to be present. Family members who have chronic illnesses such as diabetics, high blood, cancer and so forth are not allowed to be present. No last respect service is allowed.
- Not more than 20 people is allowed to the graveyard.