The people of South Sudan during Pope Francis’ ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)
By Linda Bordoni
Feb 8 2023
Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to South Sudan concluded with the celebration of Holy Mass in Juba on Sunday morning. South Sudan expert Miklos Gosztonyi highlights some of the most significant aspects of the visit.
Pope Francis wrapped up his visit to the East African nation on Sunday. He ended the long-awaited and postponed journey with words of encouragement and hope for the impoverished and war-ravaged people, telling them never to forget that Jesus knows their pain and loves them.
During his stay in Juba, he also had strong words for the country’s leadership, openly expressing his disappointment for not having honoured the pledges they had made to cement peace and work for reconciliation and development.
His voice wasn’t a solitary one: his visit took the form of an ecumenical pilgrimage for peace in the company of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Together they prayed with the people and called for unity; the three voices were one issuing a powerful appeal for peace and reconciliation in the divided nation. Together they challenged the country’s political leaders to stand true to their pledges to work for the common good, and to shy away from corruption and personal benefits.
Miklos Gosztonyi is a political analyst and humanitarian expert with many years of experience in South Sudan. He spoke to Vatican Radio about the significance of the spiritual leaders‘ presence in the world’s youngest nation and about how it empowered civil society actors who have been struggling to get their voices heard in the country and beyond.
Noting that Pope Francis had postponed this visit last year because of health problems, Gosztonyi said he came across as fa figure far from fragile, never stepping back from raising critical issues and calling South Sudan’s political leaders to account.
“If the political élite in South Sudan thought that they would encounter a frail Pope” engaged exclusively in a spiritual mission, he said, “without getting involved in some of the toughest parts of politics, they were absolutely wrong”.
In many ways, he added, “I felt that the Pope thought of this trip as a way of holding leaders accountable for not having lived up to the commitments they made to him when they visited the Vatican in 2019 and he shockingly kissed their feet, and they didn’t live up to that.