Mount Saint Elias, Canada (WS)
By Linda Bordoni
Dec 12 2022
Marking International Mountain Day, Pope Francis invited all men and women of goodwill to protect and care for mountains and commented on the theme for this year’s observance: “Women move mountains”.
“Today is International Mountain Day,” said Pope Francis speaking after the Sunday Angelus, an observance “which invites us to recognise this wonderful resource for the life of the planet and humanity.”
He expressed appreciation for the theme chosen this year for the International Day which is “Women move mountains.”
International Mountain Day
International Mountain Day, marked annually on 11 December, is an opportunity to promote gender equality and therefore contribute to improving social justice, livelihoods and resilience.
The theme of this year’s International Mountain Day (IMD) is “Women move mountains.”
As noted on the International Day’s website women play a key role in mountains’ environmental protection and social and economic development.
It also notes that increasing climate variability, coupled with a lack of investment in mountain agriculture and rural development, has often pushed men to migrate elsewhere in search of alternative livelihoods. Women have therefore taken on many tasks formerly done by men, yet mountain women are often invisible due to a lack of decision-making power and unequal access to resources.”
“International Mountain Day 2022 is an opportunity to promote gender equality and therefore contribute to improving social justice, livelihoods and resilience. ” – Vatican News