Pope Francis
By Vatican News staff writer
August 15 2022
At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis says the Gospel provokes change and invites us to conversion, like a fire that warms us with God’s love, burning away our selfishness and moving us to share His love with others.
Greeting pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis looked at the expression in the Gospel of today’s liturgy when Jesus says, “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49); a powerful phrase that challenges us.
Gospel like a fire
Jesus brought the Gospel, the good news of God’s love for each one of us, the Pope explained, and that is why the Lord says the Gospel is like a fire, because it is a message when it “erupts into history” overturns the old ways of life, helping us overcome selfishness and break our dependence on sin leading to new life in the Risen One. Things are never the same when the Gospel comes alive in one’s heart, he added, as it provokes change, conversion, and “sparks a restlessness that sets us in motion, and drives us to open up to God and to our brothers and sisters.”
Consumed with God’s love
Following the Biblical prophets, such as Elijah and Jeremiah, Jesus is engulfed in the flames of God’s love, the Pope continued, giving of himself totally by loving, up to the end, with his death on a cross. The Lord is filled with the Holy Spirit, likened to a fire with light and power, and He unevils the mysterious face of God, the Pope explained, and therefore giving hope to those who are considered lost, breaking down human barriers of division, and healing body and soul while renewing religiousity in the heart.
Rekindle the flame of faith
Jesus’ words call on us to “rekindle the flame of faith,” the Pope pointed out, and this is of primary importance and more than just a means to “individual wellbeing,” but rather enables us to act, like “a living flame to keep us wakeful and active even at night.”
Passionate about the Gospel
In conclusion, the Pope called on us to ask ourselves how passionate we are about the Gospel, whether we read it often and take it seriously so that it ignites “the flame of witness” in us, whether individually or as Church. He suggested we ask ourselves if the fire of the Spirit burns within us creating a passion for prayer and charity, as well as joy of faith.
The Pope encouraged us to pray to the Blessed Mother to assist us and that may she, who welcomed the fire of the Holy Spirit, intercede for us.