An image from the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis | ANSA
By Devin Watkins
Oct 12 2020
Following the beatification of Carlo Acutis on Saturday, Pope Francis invites young people to look to the late Italian teenager as a model of holiness. He also urges Catholics to take part in a Rosary campaign led by Aid to the Church in Need.
Blessed Carlo Acutis was beatified in the Italian town of Assisi on Saturday during Mass celebrated by Cardinal Agostino Vallini.
Pope Francis recalled the 15-year-old Italian teenager as “a young man in love with the Eucharist.”
“He did not rest in comfortable immobility,” said the Pope. “He grasped the needs of his time, because he saw the face of Christ in the weakest.”
Blessed Carlo Acutis’ example, he added, shows young people that “true happiness is found in putting God in the first place and serving Him in our brothers and sisters.”