Pope Francis delivers his homily
By Devin Watkins
Nov 14 2022
Pope Francis presides over Mass on the World Day of the Poor, and urges Christians to listen to the stifled cry of pain of the frailest members of society.
As the Church marked the 6th World Day of the Poor on Sunday, Pope Francis presided over Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica and reflected on this year’s theme: “For your sakes Christ became poor”.
In his homily, the Pope focused his remarks on Jesus’ twin exhortations in the day’s Gospel (Lk 21:5-19): “beware that you are not led astray and bear witness”.
Jesus was warning His disciples not to be overly concerned even when terrible events come to pass, such as wars, insurrections, earthquakes, and plagues.
Resisting defeatism
Pope Francis noted that Jesus’ apocalyptic words are a reminder not to get lost in defeatism when world events frighten us. Rather, we must resist the temptation of superstition or fear-mongering by trusting in God.
When faced with trials, said the Pope, Christians should instead ask themselves “What good can I concretely do?”
Turning challenges into opportunities
The Pope then considered Jesus’ second exhortation to “bear witness”, saying bad times are really an “opportunity to testify”.
Every person faces their own unique situation in life, but each has the chance to do something good, even in the midst of a crisis.
“It is a skill typically Christian not to be a victim of everything that happens, but to seize the opportunity that lies hidden in everything that befalls us, the good that can come about even from negative situations,” he said. “Every crisis is a possibility and offers opportunities for growth.”
We should not become distracted, added Pope Francis, but rather turn every event into an opportunity to bear witness to the Gospel.
Overcoming inner deafness
Pope Francis went on to tie the day’s Gospel in with the celebration of the 6th World Day of the Poor.
He noted that wars in our own times—such as the war in Ukraine, he added—have caused so many people to flee their homes, and it is poor who “pay the heaviest price in any crisis.”
“If our heart is deadened and indifferent,” said the Pope, “we cannot hear their faint cry of pain; we cannot cry with them and for them; we cannot see how much loneliness and anguish also lie hidden in the forgotten corners of our cities.”
Lighting candles of hope in the darkness
In conclusion, the Pope launched a series of appeals for Christians to resist the “prophets of doom” and the “sirens of populism, which exploit people’s real needs by facile and hasty solutions.”
Pope Francis said we can find strength to embrace justice and peace in the arms of God our Father, who will “strengthen us with the capacity to love.”
“Let us care for the poor,” concluded the Pope, “in whom we find Jesus, who became poor for our sake.” – Vatican News