Angelus prayer
By Deborah Castellano Lubov
June 13 2022
In his Angelus address on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, Pope Francis recalls that the Trinity is not a “theological exercise,” but “a revolution in our way of life.”
The Holy Trinity, Pope Francis says, “is not so much a theological exercise,” but “a revolution in our way of life.”
The Pope stressed this during his Sunday Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square, on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity.
The Holy Father began by reflecting on today’s Solemnity, recalling today’s Gospel passage in which Jesus presents the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit, Jesus explains, “will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.”
The Pope pointed out that the Holy Spirit speaks, but not of Himself, rather He announces and speaks about Jesus and reveals the Father. Likewise, the Father, “who possesses everything, because He is the origin of all things,” gives to the Son everything He possesses and keeps nothing for Himself.
What about ourselves?
The Holy Father encouraged the faithful to look at themselves and about what we pronounce and possess. He observed how normally, when we speak, we tend to speak about ourselves and what we do.
Moreover, the Pope lamented our tendency to hold tightly onto our possessions, not sharing what we possess with others, “even those who lack the basic necessities!”
Living for others, and shown through our actions
The Holy Father stressed that our words must translate into actions.
“This is why,” Pope Francis said, “celebrating the Holy Trinity is not so much a theological exercise, but a revolution in our way of life.”
God, in whom each Person lives for the other, not for himself, provokes us to live with others and for others.
God, One and Triune, the Pope underscored, must be shown with deeds rather than words.
God, the Pope continued, “is transmitted not so much through books, but rather through the witness of life.”
“Think about good, generous, meek people we have met; recalling their way of thinking and acting, we can have a small reflection of God-Love. And what does it mean to love? Not only to wish them well and to do good, but first and foremost, at the root, to welcome others, to make room for others, to give space to others. This is what it means to love…”
We are not islands
The Trinity, the Pope said, teaches us that one can never be without the other.
“We are not islands,” the Holy Father noted, “we are in the world to live in God’s image: open, in need of others and in need of helping others.”
He encouraged the faithful to ask themselves: “In everyday life, am I too a reflection of the Trinity?”
Pope Francis concluded, praying: “May Our Lady, daughter of the Father, mother of the Son and bride of the Spirit, help us to welcome and bear witness in life to the mystery of God-Love.”