By Thaddeus Jones
Oct 25 2022
In his reflections on the Sunday Gospel, Pope Francis underscores the importance of seeing and acknowledging our own weaknesses and the need to develop a humility of heart so that in invoking God’s mercy, He may heal us, restore us and raise us up.
Speaking to the crowds gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus prayer, Pope Francis offered his customary reflections on the Sunday Gospel that today tells us about the Pharisee and the publican who to go the Temple to pray. The publican, an avowed sinner, acknowledges his sinfulness before God and presents himself as he is in his own poverty, without any embellishment, the Pope explained, saying this parable presents two movements: one of rising and the other of descending.
Rise and seek the Lord
The first movement of rising up, said the Pope, is often found in the Bible, where to encounter the Lord one rises up: like Abraham going up the mountain to offer sacrifice, Moses going up to Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments, and Jesus going up the mountain to be transfigured.
Going down to go up
To rise above ourselves to encounter the Lord, we need to descend, the Pope went on to say, and this means going down into ourselves to honestly look in the mirror to see and admit our own frailties, sins, and wounds that weigh on us. He said in this way we can “cultivate sincerity and humility of heart” so that we can humbly invoke God’s mercy, which can heal, restore and raise us up.