A panoramic view of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit at SHC parish centre Jun 5
By Agnes Chai
June 9 2022
TAKING the endemic phase of the COVID-19 in stride, the Light of Jesus Christ Covenant Community (LJCCC) launched into its first in-person Life in the Spirit Seminar Jun 1-5.
The seminar, which was held in Sacred Heart Parish Center, drew a crowd of over 100 who were ready to move on and welcomed the opportunity to a face-to-face encounter after a lapse of more than two years of restricted movement under MCO.
Parish priest Fr Paul Lo, who welcomed the progress of the parish towards embracing the endemic phase, supported the seminar with his presence. He was involved in the seminar as a speaker for one of its components.
As the seminar was timed to conclude with Pentecost Mass for the participants and the community, Fr Paul who presided, emphasized on the need of the Holy Spirit as the “force to move us forward after coming out of the pandemic”.
He underscored the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life and our need of the third person of the Holy Trinity, and the reason why an LSS at this juncture was relevant.
“During the two years of living under MCO restriction because of the pandemic, we were not able to really live our Christian life like before,” underlined the rector.
He affirmed the participants, “I believe the LSS has helped you to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit, to be renewed in your faith, and to be filled by the Holy Spirit to become truly sons and daughters of God.”
Warming up to the theme for Pentecost Sunday, the Church’s celebration and commemoration of her birth in the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Church, Fr Paul stressed “As we receive the Holy Spirit again, the Spirit of God will once again put in us the fire, zeal and passion to live for the Lord and for the Church.”
Noting the adverse effects of living in the shadow of the pandemic during the past two years, he acknowledged “We need the Holy Spirit to keep our heart fearless and to be active again in all spiritual activities, and to remember that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, death being the last enemy.”
LJCCC presiding elder Anthony Lim after the Pentecost Mass to conclude the physical LSS
Interestingly, LJCCC presiding elder Anthony Lim in sharing with Catholic Sabah the reason for the community to move into a fully physical LSS commented “We take the step of faith to let the Holy Spirit move us out of the virtual mode to physical mode.”
He quoted the words of Pope Francis “We keep the Holy Spirit as a ‘luxury prisoner’ in our hearts; we do not allow the Spirit to push us forward, to move us … but it is the Holy Spirit who makes us real Christians, not virtual ones …” (Rome, May 2016).
Lim confirmed that while all precautions have been taken to reduce the spread of the virus, “we need to learn to start in a practical way to move into the endemic phase of the COVID-19.”
Speaking as the concerned head of a ministry group within the Sacred Heart parish, Lim added “We need to return to building communion through physical attendance rather than virtual mode.”
Daniel Kong, with the LJCCC organising team, organises a successful physical LSS at SHC
Meanwhile, Daniel Kong from the organising team threw in a remark “Of course, in terms of organising, virtual was much easier and convenient for everyone except for the technical team. As virtual is borderless, its reach is further and wider.” He recalled over 300 participants joining a Zoom LSS during the MCO, and coming from as far as Australia, Papua New Guinea, Sarawak, Peninsula Malaysia, Brunei and different parts of Sabah.
However, he also pointed out the goodness of the physical LSS “Physical is more real, concrete and involves inter-personal communication/relationship which is definitely a good and essential thing”.
Aline Lim (R) speaking animatedly to an LSS participant after the Pentecost Mass
Supporting the goodness of the physical LSS, Aline Lim, who spoke on the topic “God’s Love”, said “Sharing in person allows me to express myself better and hopefully convey the message of God’s love more tangibly”.
By the same token, she enthused that it felt “so good” to “see everyone in person again”, and to “see the presence of God’s people in His Church again”.
Peter Lim attends the LSS with son Samuel and wife Julie
Speaking on his own behalf, Peter Lim, one of the participants who also attended the virtual LSS last year, affirmed that in terms of effectiveness, both virtual and physical were just as rewarding.
However, he noted the striking difference between the virtual and the physical as in between the comfort of your own surroundings and the consciousness of the presence of others beside you.
As for the recent concluded physical LSS, he believed that God has a reason and purpose for his attendance, and felt truly blessed especially having attended it together with his family.