To all priests, religious, and faithful in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
In Laudato Si’ (no.79), Pope Francis states that it is the duty of the Church to protect humanity from self-destruction. As disciples of Christ, we are bound to safeguard ALL Creation on Earth, especially the Children of today and tomorrow.
Creation Justice Commission (CJC) of Malaysia has launched a 5-year Malaysia-wide Campaign which has been sanctioned by all the Arch/Bishops of Malaysia. It is called ‘PROTECT OUR EARTH, PROTECT OUR CHILDREN’ CAMPAIGN – In short, the ‘PROTEC’ CAMPAIGN.
This PROTEC Campaign is aimed at protecting humanity from self-destruction (LS 79) and ensuring intra and intergenerational justice for current and future generations (LS 159 – 162). We need to deepen our ecological spirituality and turn it into action. The COVID-19 pandemic should not detract us from ecological action. In fact, it should strengthen our resolve to advance creation justice and stop ecological destruction. Climate Change and the loss of biodiversity are larger existential crisis that threaten the very fabric of life on Earth.
The PROTEC Campaign will focus on One Different Theme Each Year; meaning five different themes over 5 years for the whole country. This campaign takes off in this Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year as declared by the Vatican (24th May 2020 – 24th May 2021).
THEME FOR YEAR 1 (01 Sept 2020 — 1 Aug 2021): USE LESS ELECTRICITY
(For Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, the launching of this Campaign will be held at Sacred Heart Cathedral on 05 September 2020 at 9am — 11am)
The Arch/bishops of Malaysia, especially the Creation Justice Commission of Kota Kinabalu, earnestly call upon all Parishes, Religious Congregation, Church Organizations/Offices, and all the faithful to support, implement and to promote the recommended practices to save all life on Earth.