By Herald Malaysia
MASAI, Johor – Parenting is a sacred mission of love, entrusted by God to Christian parents to pass on His love and teachings to their children. Parents are called to reflect the love of God that Jesus demonstrated, showing us the way to true love, peace, and joy. Every baptised Catholic can experience these blessings by choosing to live in obedience to His commandments.
To deepen their understanding of God’s love, a special one-day parenting programme was held on Feb 15 at the Church of St Theresa. The focus of the event was for parents of children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion this year. The programme was led by Andrew and Andrenne Teoh, and Joseph and Anita Pragasam, members of the “Evening for Parents” team from the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocesan Family Life Commission. Participants from four parishes; St Theresa Masai, St Joseph Plentong, Holy Family Ulu Tiram, and Christ the King Kulai; attended the event, which was organised by the Diocesan Family, Laity & Life Ministry of the Diocese of Malacca Johore.
The programme featured four sessions, including input talks, selfreflection, and group discussions. The group discussions were open and heartfelt, allowing parents to share their struggles, joys, and build new friendships. These conversations highlighted that everyone is facing similar challenges, fostering a sense of unity. The discussions also emphasised the importance of ongoing formation and growth in their parenting journey.
The parents were guided through four key ways to prepare their tenyear- olds for the sacrament of First Holy Communion. In the opening talk, Joseph and Anita shared how their own memories; both good and bad; shaped their parenting approach with their two daughters. They highlighted that, when couples marry, no one is taught how to parent; instead, they often reflect on how their own parents raised them. While acknowledging that difficult memories can arise, they encouraged parents to focus on creating positive and lasting memories for their children.
In the second session, Andrew and Andrenne emphasised the importance of listening. They explained that children need their parents’ attention, but due to busy work schedules and career pressures, parents often fail to listen when their children seek time and support. The speakers urged parents to recognise the significance of making time to listen to their children, as failing to do so could lead children to seek guidance elsewhere, particularly from social media.
The next session, led by Joseph and Anita, focused on the concept of ‘replay’; how we often replicate the parenting styles we experienced growing up. They shared personal stories, reflecting on how their own upbringing influenced their marriage and, in turn, their approach to parenting their two children. One key point they emphasised was that the quality of the marital relationship, whether positive or negative, inevitably impacts parenting. They also acknowledged that single parents face even greater challenges in this regard.
In the final session, Andrew and Andrenne discussed how parents can be life-giving to their children. They highlighted the importance of living out their faith, sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ, and actively engaging in the Catholic faith by attending Mass every Sunday and participating in parish catechism classes. Parents are encouraged to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus first, as this strengthens their ability to be good spouses and parents. They also acknowledged the challenges faced by single parents and emphasised the need for the church community to offer support and assistance to them.
Many parents recognised the importance of ongoing formation, as it prompted them to reflect on and reassess their parenting approaches. They were encouraged to return to their parishes, form parenting groups, and organise similar programmes to benefit other parents as well. – Herald Malaysia