By Joseph Masilamany
August 4 2022
When the joy of ordination
fades away
And when you are all alone
one quiet day
Look at your hands
and know what bliss
That those hands of yours
are really His
Hands to anoint
and hands to absolve
The burden of sin
and pain resolve
Hands to bless
and hands to heal
What worthy hands
at the Sacred Meal?
So hang in there
Oh priests of Christ
Be it the Cross
or Nobel Prize
Only time will tell
and time lends Grace
To the call of Christ
when you’ve run the race
NOTE: Dedicated to all priests in conjunction with the Feast Day of the Priesthood today and in memory of St John Vianney, the Patron Saint of Priests. This piece was written as a seminarian at College General in 1993. The writer is a journalist with The Vibes, Kuala Lumpur.