One for the album: Archbishop John Wong with David Sham and 99 confirmands of St Catherine Inanam, Apr 24
By Michael Guntili
Apr 28 2022
INANAM – In conjunction with St Catherine parish day and Archbishop John Wong’s pastoral visit to St Catherine Church here, 99 candidates were conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation by the prelate Apr 24.
Through the anointing with sacred chrism, the candidates are “enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit”, and more than ever “obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed” (CCC 1285).
The rites were performed with strict adherence to the prevailing SOP. The Archbishop was assisted by parish priest Fr David Sham.
The candidates have successfully completed the two-year preparation despite the pandemic in force during the said period.
Archbishop Wong also spent 40 minutes of fruitful dialogue with members of the Pastoral Council before joining the fellowship and witnessing the thanksgiving concert presented by the confirmands and the youths of St Catherine Church.