By Mathias Hariyadi
JAKARTA, Indonesia – In spite of criticism and misgivings raised toward the project, which was strongly desired by outgoing President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Indonesians celebrated the 79th Independence Day for the first time in the new capital IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan.
In the past, many have raised stinging criticisms and used sarcastic memes, combined with demeaning comments toward the outgoing head of state for the ambitious project regarding the new capital in Borneo.
Among the most common criticisms is Widodo’s “failure” – as he is called by opponents – to attract new foreign investment to Nusantara. Nonetheless, the president – in office until October, who will be succeeded by newly elected Prabowo Subianto – insisted on his commitment so that the project could take shape and the new capital city would host festivities associated with the occasion for the first time this year.
Dozens of the country’s leading personalities, local political and religious leaders attended including Archbishop Yustinus Harjasusanto of Samarinda. Interviewed by AsiaNews at the conclusion of the event, the prelate said, “In my personal opinion, all middle-class Indonesians showed their optimism by visiting IKN Nusantara for the first time.” Local people, he continued, were advised not to attend the ceremony because the location is very far from public transportation. However, there is a lot of construction work planned at the site” that will allow for enhanced connections.
In spite of promises even in the Independence celebrations, however, critical issues have emerged, such that only the ceremony site appears to be completed although it has some shortcomings.
“Other venues and facilities, on the other hand, are far from being completed,” comments Msgr Harjosusanto, ”which is why it is likely that only in 2045 can Nusantara be completed and truly be considered the new capital of Indonesia. The Independence Day and related ceremonies, he concludes, were nonetheless an opportunity to “socialize with people of different religions and ethnicities, all united by the joy of wearing traditional clothes.”
Despite the unfinished buildings and many heavy equipment towering over the main venue, all the people showed happiness and satisfaction in participating in this ceremony of national character. “Everything has gone very well… and for that I give thanks,” said President Jokowi in his closing day speech with the flag ceremony, emphasizing the goodness of the work completed so far.
A low-flying flyover of the Indonesian F-16 squadron and many traditional Dayak dances were performed at the main event venue, which drew great appreciation from those in attendance. Flanking Widodo, accompanied by his wife and first lady Iriana Joko Widodo, was President-elect Prabowo Subianto.
The capital, which will occupy a space of about 2,000 square kilometers, is expected to be built in East Kalimantan province and replace Jakarta, which is struggling with pollution, devastating floods and overcrowded population.
The cost has been estimated at 460 trillion rupiah, about billion, but as of January this year, less than 48 trillion rupiah had been raised, according to the agency tracking the development of Nusantara.
Some experts believe it will take 20 to 30 years before the city can be said to be fully functional. The chosen site is malaria-prone, prone to flooding and inhabited by indigenous people. Several civil servants have also reported reluctance to relocate 1,200 kilometers from Jakarta. – Asia News