By EcoJesuit
Networking also needs a broad base of shared local contexts and actions to understand the complementary realities of the poor and youth in responding to the Universal Apostolic Preferences. There is a valued collaboration engendered in sharing a universal sense of mission and keeps the spirit of synodality alive.
Ecojesuit, as the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN) on ecology, continues to engage the six Jesuit Conferences, institutions, universities, and network partners in exploring collaboration potentials through a bottom-up approach. Each year opens with Conference-level discussions across the region on emerging activities that people are engaged with and can shape a broader shared agenda.
In all the conversations with the Conferences, there is a keenness to move beyond goodwill towards concerted action. Many are engaging with social action centers nationally so that advocacy engagements are grounded. There is a growing recognition on the important role of social and education cross-apostolate collaboration in the ecological mission.
In each of the conversations with the Conferences, Ecojesuit engages the appointed ecology coordinator and extends the invitation to partners from social action centers, other networks, and universities to broaden the understanding of the ecological work being done and to discover the interconnections.
This approach aligns with how Jesuit networking is defined in the GIAN governance document (Section 2.1.1) released in 2022. It is “a way of proceeding apostolically that enables better global and regional cooperation at the service of the universal mission, raising the apostolic structures to a new level with global (or regional) impact, and therefore connecting persons and institutions in such a way that they act as a global and interdisciplinary body, in collaboration with others.”
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