By Agnes Chai
June 7 2022
FORTY days after their baptism during Easter Vigil, the neophytes made their first Confession at Sacred Heart Cathedral Jun 1.
They have gone through the waters of baptism; sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit; and have been invited to the table of the Eucharist for the first time. They are now neophytes, or new Catholics.
The newly baptised have yet to take the steps to make a good confession, and to avail themselves to the occasion of tremendous grace as they experience the Sacrament.
To prepare them to receive the Sacrament, parish priest Fr Paul Lo gave a catechesis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Seven priests were available to assist the neophytes in their first experience of confessing their sins. Altogether 47 received the Sacrament, comprising seven from the Chinese speaking, 13 from the English and 27 from the Bahasa Melayu speaking candidates.