Lay faithful formed, renewed and commissioned to share their faith
By Aaron Lim
Feb 13 2024
PENANG – More than 60 lay faithful were formed, renewed, commissioned and sent forth to share their faith at the Formation for Evangelisers organised by the Penang Diocesan New Evangelisation Commission.
Held on Jan 27-28 at Stella Maris Penang Road, the programme included Fr Michael Raymond OFM Cap and Martin Jalleh as presenters, who guided participants to effectively witness and present the Good News in the modern age.
Fr Michael was on hand to share on the Kerygma and ‘Evangelisation through Inculturation’, in which he exhorted all to proclaim and bear witness with the clarity that comes through one’s own concrete Christian life.
He also invited participants to undergo a process of Metanoia, which involves the changing of one’s way of life that will lead to a spiritual conversion.
“It is important for us to identify the seeds of the Word present in other cultures, and to be attentive listeners by enlarging the space of your tent,” he said.
The context of the law of attraction was used by Fr Michael, stressing on the importance to reach out to non-believers and peoples of other faiths, as well as those lapsed and separated from the faith.
“Our story is also God’s story as we bear witness to the goodness and greatness of God,” said Martin Jalleh as he touched on faith being a personal relationship that leads to bearing witness by sharing one’s encounter of Christ with others.
He also shared that the fruits of encounter will enable a disciple to be an imprint of God’s image that imbibes and imitates that spirit of Christ which allows them to impart and inspire others to accept the invitation to experience the Lord.
Martin then reminded the participants of the significance of the Holy Spirit being the protagonist of mission, whose fire spreads rapidly amongst all believers so that they can go on and go forth in the work of evangelisation.
The Pentecost Experience marked the climax of the weekend, with sisters from the Congregation of Putri Karmel leading everyone in an evening where many experienced renewal and healing through worship and praying over.
Cardinal Sebastian Francis then led participants in the Rite of Commissioning, in which he sent them forth by urging them as Church of Asia to “be story-tellers through the inculturation and evangelisation of cultures through the Holy Spirit.” – Herald Malaysia