Episcopal President of CHARIS, Bishop Sebastian Francis
Sep 18 2021
KENINGAU – At the end of the Malaysia Day Mass livestreamed from the Cathedral of St Francis Xavier, the faithful listened to a special message from the Episcopal President of CHARIS, Bishop Sebastian Francis.
Bishop Sebastian began by quoting Esther 4:14, “For a time like this you were chosen!”
“For almost two years, the pandemic has rocked the whole world. And this may have had a negative effect on our view of the way God works. Yet, as Christ’s people, we are called to remain steadfast and lean more and more on Him.
“Genesis 50:20 speaks of the devil, who has been malicious through this pandemic, but God permitted us to change the evil one into good for mankind.
“True, there have been many trials and sufferings experienced during the pandemic, but we have also witnessed God’s abundant grace and mercy. If everyone understands and is aware of God’s will and movement, then, we will all rush to return to Him!
“For those of us who are aware of the workings of the Holy Spirit, let us continue to work so that everyone is aware of the miracles and works of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, the new Pentecost will come, and so too will the new evangelisation.
Therefore, this is the time, for all of us in Malaysia, to rise up. As the Apostle Paul said, “Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me.” (Acts 26:16) – Herald Malaysia