Cutting cake ceremony to commemorate the parish’ first anniversary by Archbishop John Wong, Fr David Sham and all the MPP committee
By Alicia Dora Paul
Apr 29 2024
MENGGATAL – Amidst the warm temperature, the much-anticipated event was attended by approximately 500 parishioners at Good Shepherd Church to celebrate the parish’ first anniversary on Apr 21 after its elevation to become a full-pledged parish. The celebration was graced by the presence of the head of the archdiocese, Most Reverend Archbishop John Wong. In conjunction with his visit, the prelate administered the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Opening his homily, Archbishop John Wong extended his Easter greeting to all the laity. “The Lord has risen from the dead and not only He wants to be with us but to stay among and within us”, he said. “We are called to represent Him through our minds and actions, so that others will see the kindness, love and mercy that He brought into our lives. Let us together reflect the life that we are living now, is it the picture and manifestation of God’s love and mercy towards us?
“Today’s Sunday we are celebrating four good news. The fourth Sunday of Easter, the Good Shepherd, the World Day prayer for vocation and Confirmation to our confirmand. The resurrected Christ is the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep. He sent the Holy Spirit to us and through it we embrace each other in God’s grace,” he resumed.
During his homily, the prelate also called out to all the people to continue praying for the priest, sisters, religious and catechist for their continuous devotion to the church. May the prayer support to fruition the seed of the vocation to those who offers their lives to serve the Lord.
The Holy Mass was further continued by witnessing the anointing of chrism oil to 83 confirmand and reception of the First Holy Communion. Confirmation is one of the fundamental sacraments in Catholic church. The sacrament infuses the gift of Holy Spirit to enable Catholic to live a life of Christ. Upon starting the ceremony, Archbishop invited the candidates to renew their baptismal vows, later extends his hand over them and pray, before blessing the chrism oil and proceed with making the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead.
Before the Holy Mass ends, Severinus Abel the chairman of Parish Pastoral Council for GSCM and the rector Fr David Sham extended their gratitude to all the parishioners for all their hard work, commitment and cooperation towards becoming an independent parish. Fr David reminds the people to unite and be ready for the upcoming transformation programme they have arranged for the parish.
Concluding the Holy Mass with a short speech, the Archbishop emphasize his happiness to the new brothers and sisters whom received the gift of Holy Spirit through the anointing of chrism oil and welcoming them to the big family of Catholic church. “After this Mass ends, go and meet with your family, catechist or supporter and thank them for the wisdom and knowledge they have shared with you throughout your learning journey. Do not say, thank you and bye. But say thank you and see you again and together be the witness of God in wherever church or community that you wish to serve later,” he added with breathy laughter from the people.
Followed after the Holy Mass was a celebration at the parish hall. Diversity of delicacy prepared by the parishioners by “potluck” to share the great joy-filled occasion and good foods to everyone. They also prepared variety of performances started from children, youths and also the adults. The minority migrant community Toraja and Timur also participated in the collaboration dance with the local ethnic Dusun during the entrance.
Archbishop signing one of the confirmand on the forehead with chrism oil and gives him a slight blow on the cheek