Wishing you the Peace of our Lord Jesus.
Further to the Communication sent on October 15, 2021 on the two Masses of Christmas 2021 and Assumption 2022, we received enquiries on the solemnity of All Saints.
Applying the same principle as for the above Masses, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei (CBCMSB) adds the advisory on the forthcoming All Saints:
Sunday, Oct 31, 2021:
— Mass of 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
— Sunset Mass: Solemnity of All Saints
— Monday Nov 1: Mass of All Saints
On an additional question, whether attending two solemnities – the day of the Lord and All Saints (they are obligations) at one Mass satisfies one’s obligation?
The Conference does not wish to impose further burden on those who live in remote areas or who are particularly challenged by the pandemic or natural calamities.
Therefore, we answer affirmatively that attending one Mass satisfies the obligation.
However, for those who desire and who have the means, we encourage your participation at Masses on both days. The above applies to all parishes and dioceses under the Conference.
I remain, Yours in Christ
+ Rt Rev Sebastian Francis DD
President Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (CBCMSB)
Oct 21, 2021