Archbishop John Wong with new members and Elders of LJCCC after signing ceremony
By Agnes Chai
August 5 2022
KOTA KINABALU – A heartening over 200-member strong turned out to celebrate the Community’s 39th year of its existence in the Sacred Heart Cathedral parish.
With the Light of Jesus Christ Covenant Community (LJCCC) on this auspicious occasion were Archbishop John Wong, who together with parish priest Fr Paul Lo, celebrated the evening Thanksgiving Mass at the Cathedral Jul 31.
The sight of the young and the elderly, and families with children and babies thronging the aisles to receive Holy Communion and blessings was likened to a huge family reunion around the table of the Lord!
After a long bout of isolation and social distancing imposed by the pandemic, with its debilitating effects, members were urged to return to embrace community life once again – to celebrate communion and fellowship in a physical way.
In delivering his homily, the Archbishop was pleased to engage the community in an intimate manner as he opted to stand at the front of the sanctuary, with his back to the altar.
As our bishop, he underlined that it was his privilege to celebrate with the members the Eucharist – the “flesh and blood” that becomes food for our journey, to renew us, to give us more strength, and to move us on towards God’s Kingdom”.
He also said the readings of the day were timely reminders to the community about the shortness of our life on earth, since the community has already traversed 39 years.
Pay attention to the things of God
We “have to pay attention to the things of God”; and in our daily live, we “have to involve God, otherwise our life would be meaningless and empty”, underscored Archbishop.
Therefore, he added, the real challenge for each of us after a 39-year journey is to ask ourselves “Who or what is the No.1 in my heart?”
The Archbishop continued to awaken our spirit by quoting the preacher in Ecclesiastes who said “All is vanity” or “All is futile”. “Does this mean that from now on we should not work or labour any more?” asked the Archbishop.
Go and evangelise
To this end, Archbishop reminded that all the hard labour of the community is for God’s Kingdom, and for His Glory; therefore, it is imperative that we “go and evangelise the Good News of God’s Kingdom”.
However, how is it in spite of all our hard labour, we still have “cares and restless nights”. To this, Archbishop prompted us to reflect “Why should I worry if I have God with me; and, I should be able to sleep well if I constantly put myself in the hand of God.”
He also warned “the wealth” that we have been given, is not to be reserved for ourselves, but that God will be glorified for all that He has given us when we think of others.
Shawn Jee, single man, pledges his commitment to live as underway member before the community during the 39th Anniversary event at SHC Jul 31
Jenny Lim, with her three children looking on, signs her covenant commitment to be an associate member of LJCCC at SHC parish center Jul 31
The gift of new members
The gift of five new members was therefore a stark reminder for the community to remain faithful witnesses of God’s call to be “Light of Christ”.
Two associate members, Matheus Michael and Shawn Jee, made the decision to continue their journey in LJCCC as underway members.
Meanwhile, three new members, Jenny Lim, Jeanny Thadius and Peter Lim made a public pledge to take associate membership before the community.
Making public their signing of covenant is an act of acknowledgement of the new members that they do not depend on their own strength, but on the commitment of brothers and sisters to journey with them towards God’s Kingdom.
Archbishop John Wong joins the community Elders to mark the anniversary occasion with cake cutting
The community was privileged to be served by the young adults, who took up the challenge to organise a fellowship meal.
Parting shot from Archbishop
Archbishop John served a parting shot to the community as he gave meaning to the figure “39” (of our anniversary), saying 3 and 9 makes 12, a symbol of the apostles.
As the apostles went out to “rock the world”, he gave a year until the next ruby anniversary to the community the mandate to “rock the archdiocese, in a good way”, which drew much laughter from the floor!