A total of 90 leaders and parishioners participate in the PPA
By Jocelyn Yeo
Oct 17, 2023
LABUAN – The Church of Blessed Sacrament Labuan has recently organized the Parish Pastoral Assembly (PPA) that brought together representatives from various ministries and apostolates in the parish.
Held for one-a-half-day on Sep 28 (full day) and Sep 30 (half day), this transformative event aimed to ignite dialogue, reflection, and collaboration among parishioners. With a total of 90 participants in attendance, the assembly proved to be an exceptional gathering of minds, resulting in an invigorating roadmap for the future of the parish.
The assembly commenced with a brief overview by Fr Thomas Madanan on “What a Pastoral Assembly is” and the journey leading towards the Malaysia Pastoral Convention 2026 in Majodi Centre, Johor Bahru, with the theme: “The Catholic Church in Malaysia coming together as clergy, religious and laity to Celebrate, Listen and Walk in the Light of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:2-5). A walkthrough the synod questionnaires and the inputs set the stage for the thought-provoking discussions that followed.
The focal point of the assembly was the presentation of four significant documents by members of the parish’s Malaysian Pastoral Committee: Amoris Laetitia presented by Lydia Alang, Evangelii Gaudium by Seminarian Jerry, Fratelli Tutti by Sr Julie Bating and Laudato Si presented by Sr Jeromie.
Each document was meticulously summarized, shedding light on its relevance and implications for the parish community. The presentations served as a catalyst for passionate discussions and deep reflections. Participants were divided into smaller groups, enabling them to engage in meaningful conversations and share their perspectives on the questions posed using the “See, Judge, Act” methodology. These questions that probed into the heart of the matter encouraged a diverse range of opinions, ensuring inclusivity and active participation.
The assembly in progress
The assembly’s second day witnessed the culmination of these discussions. The presenters skilfully synthesized the wealth of ideas and insights shared during the group sessions. By presenting the summarized reports, they ensured that the collective voice of the participants was accurately represented, fostering a sense of transparency and ownership among all attendees.
Jocelyn, the assembly’s moderator, captured the essence of the discussions in a comprehensive summary. Her report encapsulated the key themes, concerns, and aspirations that emerged throughout the assembly.
Fr Thomas, in his closing remarks, expressed deep gratitude for the participants’ commitment and active engagement throughout the assembly. He emphasized the significance of continued discernment and prayer, urging everyone to remain steadfast in their dedication to the parish community’s growth and development.
The assembly served as a powerful platform for individuals to voice their concerns, share their aspirations, and contribute to the shaping of the parish’s future. The identified key themes and concerns will guide the development of the pastoral plan, ensuring it addresses the evolving needs of the community. The assembly has paved the way for ongoing dialogue, reflection, and growth within the parish community.