By LiCAS.news
THE Catholic Church in Indonesia, through the Commission on Youth, celebrated the 96th Youth Pledge with a Thanksgiving Mass and a discussion dedicated to young Catholic bureaucrats last week.
The event was held at the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (KWI) Building in Jakarta, according to MIRIFICA News, the official news service of the Conference.
In his homily, Fr Frans Kristi Adi, Secretary of the KWI Youth Commission urged young Catholics to embody the spirit of unity demonstrated in the historic 1928 Youth Pledge, where youth of diverse faiths and cultural backgrounds declared their commitment to the Indonesian nation.
Reflecting on this legacy, he highlighted how “the form of love of Indonesian youth has never been forgotten by time,” referencing the film Eksil by Lola Amaria, which portrays the enduring patriotism of exiled Indonesian youth.
He encouraged young Catholics, known as Orang Muda Katolik (OMK), to cultivate a dedication to the “common good (bonum commune)” for Indonesia.
Following the Mass, a discussion led by Yanuar Nugroho, a lecturer at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy and Coordinator of the Expert Team for the National SDGs Secretariat, provided a deep dive into the challenges and aspirations for Indonesia’s future.
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