Little Sister Morgane, a religious sister with Down syndrome
By Vatican News
Dec 21 2021
Promoted by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, the #IamChurch initiative consists in five videos demonstrating the daily struggles of persons with disabilities who, far from feeling burdensome or “set aside”, provide their own specific contribution within their ecclesial communities. “Witness the joy of faith: a call for persons with disabilities” is the title of the third video.
In his Message addressed to persons with disabilities on the occasion of the International Day dedicated to them, Pope Francis reminds us – citing Guadete et Exsultate – that we all have a universal call to holiness.
In the third video of the #IamChurch series, some sisters from the Congregation of Petites Sœurs Disciples de l’Agneau tell about their religious vocation and talk about their daily lives.
Morgane, Camille and Véronique, women with Down’s syndrome, repeat several times: “Je suis heureuse – I am happy” debunking the commonplace view according to which those who live with a disability are destined to a life of suffering. In his Message, the Pope writes: “Jesus wants us to reach the happiness for which we were created. He wants us to be saints and does not expect us to be content with a mediocre, watered-down, insubstantial existence.”
Véronique, one of the sisters, says: “I love life and I am happy in my community. We have to keep a smile on our face to bear witness and bring a message of joy around us.” Faith thus becomes a mission for everyone, without differences.
#IamChurch is an initiative of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, as part of the “Amoris Laetitia Family” Year. It is a journey through five videos, discovering women and men who are too often victims of the throwaway culture and who testify to a smiling, non-pitying, cheerful humanity: the attractive face of the Church. -Vatican News