By LiCAS.news
HONG KONG -The Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labor Affairs has launched the Sowers of Hope campaign to support outdoor workers exposed to harsh weather conditions, offering rest stations in partnership with local parishes as part of the Church’s Jubilee Year observance.
The initiative was formally introduced during a formation session at St Andrew’s Parish in Tseung Kwan O earlier this month, according to Sunday Examiner, the official news service of the Diocese of Hong Kong.
Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing, OFM, led the session with a reflection on Christian solidarity with the poor and marginalized.
Quoting Pope Francis’ message for the 2021 World Day of the Poor, Bishop Ha told attendees, “God hides himself in the weakest. It’s only when we learn to love the poor that we rediscover our humanity.”
The Jubilee Rest Stations provide food, beverages, and pain relief supplies—described as “practical responses to the challenges of working in extreme weather conditions intensified by climate change.”
The first pilot station opened on Mar 7 at St Joseph’s Church in Fanling, offering weekly distributions of bread, water, pain relief cream, and labor rights information over a six-week period.
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