30 women attending a one-day retreat
By Mercy Almeida Stellus
Apr 24 2024
KUALA LUMPUR – The Women’s Ministry under the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development organised a one-day retreat for women at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre on Apr 6.
The session, Five Loaves and Two Fish, was conducted by Sr Angelin Gnanapiragasam FMDM. About 30 women from the different parishes around Klang Valley attended the session.
The session taught the participants to get reacquainted with Jesus. They also learned about coming to terms with their emotions and knowing that when they suppress their emotions, they may end up feeling overwhelmed and out of control.
The participants were also introduced to Emotional Intelligence, the ability to recognise and understand emotions. Apart from these, Sr Angelin also shared with the participants the importance of having a relationship with God in order to have a more meaningful prayer life.
After lunch, Sr Angelin led the participants into a wilderness journey to search within themselves for the true purpose of their life. The participants were taught to make full use of the gifts and talents bestowed upon them.
They were also given an insight on how the insignificant can became sufficient and significant when placed in the hands of Jesus. Another lesson learned is accepting the scars and embracing the fears in one’s life to become more resilient.
“Exploring so many questions pertaining to ‘five loaves and two fish’ made me feel that I can offer back to God what He had given or blessed me with thus far, hence promoting greater glory to His name,” shared one of the participants.
Another said, “I have never attended a talk with so much insight from a woman’s perspective. It was very uplifting, both practically and spiritually.”
The power packed session came to an end with individuals sharing their thoughts on the session. – Herald Malaysia