Greenpeace together with the Break Free From Plastic coalition conduct a beach cleanup activity and plastics brand audit on Freedom Island off the coast of Manila in in 2017 (Greenpeace photo by Daniel Müller)
Apr 8 2024
PHILIPPINES – The survey, which included 19,088 people from 19 countries, found that 94 percent of Filipino respondents support a cap on plastic production to combat pollution, preserve biodiversity, and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Released ahead of the fourth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC4) meeting for a Global Plastics Treaty in Ottawa, Canada, the survey shows a strong Filipino backing for the ban of single-use plastic packaging, with 88 percent in favor.
Similarly, Filipinos and Indonesians share a high concern, at 97 percent, for the treaty to enforce shifts from single-use to reusable and refillable packaging.
The health impacts of plastics are a significant worry, with 94 percent of Filipinos concerned about their loved ones and 93 percent about their own health.
Marian Ledesma, a campaigner for Greenpeace Philippines, highlighted the Filipinos’ desire for effective solutions to plastic pollution.
She expressed hope that these findings would influence the Philippine delegation to advocate for a treaty that includes drastic cuts in plastic production.
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