Led by Abp John Wong, the clergy made a bow together as they paid their last respects to their brother priest, Fr Alex Jimsy during the funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral Nov 2
By Agnes Chai
Nov 5 2021
KOTA KINABALU – “Just as Jesus died and rose again, so will the Father bring with him those who have died in Jesus. Just as in Adam all men die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” (All Souls’ Day Entrance Antiphon)
With the above opening of the liturgical celebration, KK prelate Archbishop John Wong sought to comfort the family members and brother priests who were assembled to bid farewell to Fr Alex Jimsy Jolius at a funeral Mass in Sacred Heart Cathedral Nov 2.
Fr Jimsy passed away on Oct 30 at 3.39 pm at his family residence in Kg Mahandoi in Penampang district, after succumbing to a long history of acute diabetes and kidney failure. He was laid to rest at the Catholic Cemetery at Mile 4½, Old Penampang Road after the funeral Mass.
In keeping with health protocol during the pandemic, only close family members, 15 priests, and a restricted number of religious were gathered at Mass, which was presided by the prelate and concelebrated by the clergy in attendance.
As the Church was celebrating All Souls’ Day, the Archbishop explained that even as they remembered Fr Jimsy, as well as all the faithful departed, and prayed for them to be with God, the liturgy was also a Celebration of Hope.
Drawing from the Gospel of John where Jesus said “I am the Resurrection and the Life. If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live”, Archbishop Wong elaborated that Jesus meant that when we have completed our earthly journey, we would be living forever with Him in Heaven, where there is no death, no suffering, no tears, no sadness… and together with all the saints and angels, enjoying eternal life and glory with God.
Jesus also said “Whoever lives and believes in me, will never die…” added the Archbishop. He clarified “Did Jesus mean that whoever believed in Him would never die? What He meant was that if we constantly die to ourselves, to our ego, our self-centredness, our pride, etc, we should already experience the New Life (the Resurrected Life) here and now, and not only in the future.
“While we are gathered to pray for Fr Jimsy, who has gone before us and is with God now, let us not forget that we are also called to the same preparation, to the same total transformation of our minds and our hearts each day – and to have faith and trust in the merciful God, exhorted the Archbishop.
26 years of faithful service
Fr Jimsy, who hails from Kg Mahandoi, Penampang, was ordained to the priesthood at the age of 34 by Bishop John Lee on 23 October 1995 at Holy Nativity Church Terawi. The priestly ordination of a native son at that time was a tremendous joyful and happy event for the local church for it was seen as a clear sign of God’s love for the Church, a sign that the local Catholic community has grown in the development of her faith.
After ordination his first assignment was to serve as assistant priest in St John’s Church Tuaran effective 1 December 1996. In 1997, he was transferred to St Peter Claver Ranau, followed by St Pius X Church in 1998. At St Michael’s Church Penampang, he served for over five years from 2001-2006. By 2006 Fr Jimsy was re-assigned to assist at Stella Maris Church Tanjung Aru and two years later to St Joseph’s Church Papar and Holy Rosary Church Limbahau.
With the establishment of the new parish of Holy Trinity at Inobong in October 2014, he was appointed to serve as the parish’s first assistant priest, assisting parish priest Fr Alex Sipanul. In 2017, as his health deteriorates due to acute diabetes and kidney failure, he has to be retired early.
Initially he was taken to live in the Holy Family Residence, Purak, but later he was moved back to his family residence as he needed constant nursing care. He succumbed to his sickness in the presence of his family members.
Catechist Bejamin Suling of Holy Trinity Inobong: Fr Jimsy is a far-sighted pastor. Although he always seems relaxed, friendly and easy-going with people, he is firm in giving his opinion and in his stance as a priest. He is much loved by all parishioners, whether elderly, youth or children.
As a person, he likes to share whatever he has, including knowledge. He is a very caring person.
I promised to visit him in the near future when I could not do join my friends who visited him last Oct 24, but it was not meant to be because God called him to return to Him. His passing is a great and sad loss for all of us parishioners at Inobong.
Catechist Louis Lojuki, MPP Holy Trinity Inobong: As a priest, Fr Jimsy is very responsible in his pastoring and full of love. He enjoys being with the parishioners.
He has a deep interest in music, and is good with the guitar, harmonica, flute, ukulele, keyboard and drum. This is why we are able to form a band called JJ Songkotoun Band while Fr Jimsy is serving at Holy Trinity parish, He actually leads the band himself.
Our group is formed just for fun. It gives performances whenever there are parish celebrations such as the anniversaries of the priests, of the parish, etc. Many seniors appreciate our performances, especially the presence of Fr Jimsy.
Janet Nanak, Holy Trinity Inobong: As a priest, Fr Jimsy is very firm, especially when it comes to Church laws (teachings).
As a person, he is a very humble person. Besides being priest, Fr Jimsy is a good and pleasant friend to have.
Musical instruments are synonymous with him. Wherever he goes, he would take all his musical instruments along with him.
When we visited him on 24 Oct, he told us “Ondomon oku no dioyu id sambayang.” (Remember me in your prayers) and “Langadon oku tulun ngaawi doid Paroki Inobong.” (I really miss the people in Inobong parish).
He managed to sing two songs which were his favourites, namely Kada Hiivai Piniumpangazan and Kihamin Zou Doid Penampang.
As we parted, I did not expect Fr Jimsy’s wave of the hand to be his last farewell wave. May his soul rest in peace with the Father in Heaven.