First reading Malachi 3:1-4,23-24
Before my day comes, I will send you Elijah my prophet
Responsorial Psalm 24(25):4-5,8-9,10,14
Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.
Your ways, O Lord, make known to me;
teach me your paths,
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my savior.
Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.
Good and upright is the Lord;
thus he shows sinners the way.
He guides the humble to justice,
he teaches the humble his way.
Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.
All the paths of the Lord are kindness and constancy
toward those who keep his covenant and his decrees.
The friendship of the Lord is with those who fear him,
and his covenant, for their instruction.
Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.
Gospel Luke 1:57-66
‘His name is John’
In today’s gospel, the family members and neighbours gathered in the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah to celebrate the birth of their son. Traditionally, children were named after their parents or other family members. Thus, those present with Elizabeth and Zechariah assumed that the baby boy would be named after his father. They were shocked when the parents announced that the baby’s name would be John, which means “the Lord has shown favour”. Indeed, God was starting something new through John. He would be the one who would prepare the way for Jesus and lead others to Him.
Each of us has a purpose. Like John, God wants us to point Jesus out to others through our words and actions. We are here on earth to serve as reflections of His faithful and unconditional love, guiding others to forge a friendship with Jesus. In this season of feasting, let us feast on God’s love for us, so that we can be faithful to God’s purpose for our lives.
Reflective question:
How can I become the person God wants me to be?
Acknowledgment: Reflections are based on “Prayer for Living: The Word of God for Daily Prayer Year C” by Sr Maria Jose FMVD.