Handing-over of keys ceremony July 7 by contractor Bisajuta Sdn Bhd to Fr Paul Lo, parish priest of CMI, witnessed by Archbishop John Wong.
By Catherine Engsun
July 11 2020
BUKIT PADANG – The 27-year old Church of Mary Immaculate undergoing a RM3.5 million extension project is reopening for public Mass on Jul 12.
It is the first major upgrading to the development of the church since it was built and taken possession on 31 October 1993.
The Church marks the milestone of completing its extension works with a simple Handing-over of Keys ceremony on Jul 7 at the newly completed Catechetical Room of the CMI Extension. The mock key was handed over to parish priest Fr Paul Lo by contractor Bisajuta Sdn Bhd, and witnessed by Archbishop John Wong.
Others in attendance were members of the CMI sub-Parish Pastoral Committee, Steering Committee, Fund Raising Committee, and Building Committee.

The Church extension comprises a 2-storey open parish hall, classrooms (catechetical rooms), parish office, rectory and a canteen. The CMI development plans for the extension were approved on 15 March 2018. The building works contractor, Bisajuta Sdn Bhd was awarded the project on 9 January 2019 and works started on 11 February 2019.
At the ceremonial occasion, Fr Lo thanked God first of all for His abundant blessings on the completion of the improvement works, and expressed his gratitude to the consultants, CMI committees, the contractor, donors and benefactors for the successful completion.
Archbishop John Wong echoed same gratitude to the Heavenly Father for His providence in the completion of the project. He recalled that the request for the extension was timely as the growth of the faith community in CMI was fast increasing.