The newly-weds, Ronnie Liew and wife Milen binti Sum Ah Wai
By Catherine Engsun
Aug 25 2020
BUKIT PADANG – Friday Aug 21 marked a momentous day for Ronnie Liew and Milen binti Sum Ah Wai as they exchanged their wedding vows at the Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI).
This is the first wedding solemnized by the Bukit Padang Church since the country entered into the recovery stage of the COVID-19 lockdown, which allowed places of worship to resume its pastoral activities.
“We are so blessed and happy that we are able to get married during the pandemic,” shared the excited bride. She was grateful for the help and guidance from parish priest Fr Paul Lo and the parish staff.
Asked if they encountered any difficulty in the preparation and in the compliance to the SOP protocol, Milen enthused “Thank God everything went smoothly, and was made easy even though there were many restrictions and protocols to be observed. We just need to follow the protocols and have faith that God is with us.”
Faith to overcome the difficulties of getting married in this unique time of the RMCO is one thing, but to overcome the challenges in life as a married couple, Fr Paul in a timely reminder advised them of the necessity to constantly pray and to seek God in His Word.
The Gospel of John on the Wedding Feast in Cana chosen for the occasion affirmed the newly weds that while providence is from God, their part is to “always look to Him when they encounter any difficulty in their marriage”.
Finally, in calling them to a great love, Fr Paul urged them “to love one another as Jesus loves us”.