Attend Mass with SOP in Kalookan
By Agenzia Fides
July 11 2020
MANILA – The Diocese of Kalookan, in Metro Manila, has launched a special initiative to protect the mental health of those suffering from anxiety and other problems due to the coronavirus crisis.
Defined “Covid Hope-line”, the telephone counseling program uses mental health experts, psychologists and priests to help people in emotional distress.
Mgr Pablo Virgilio David, Bishop of Kalookan, who is also Vice President of the Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines said that since the first weeks of the lockdown (since March 15), the diocese has held psychological-spiritual webinars and has activated an online consultation.
“We have tried to help people in the diocese when they need the guidance of a priest or a psychologist. In this phase of crisis and difficulty, we are called to rekindle hope in those who suffer, are in discomfort, are in trial or illness,” said Mgr David.
In fact, three months after the lockdown imposed for the pandemic – the Bishop recalled – the National Center for Mental Health has reported that an increasing number of Filipinos face mental health problems and psychological disorders.
“In this time of crisis, many health problems have arisen or worsened: the Church must be ready to face these problems”, said Mgr David. – Agenzia Fides