Archbishop John Wong blessing the Oil of Catechumens at Chrism Mass Mar 29 at Sacred Heart Cathedral
By Agnes Chai
Mar 31 2021
KOTA KINABALU – For the second year in a row, the coronavirus pandemic has affected the celebration of the Chrism Mass.
The Mass was not celebrated last year because of the very tight restrictions of the Movement Control Order. With the current relaxed lockdown, the liturgical celebrations for Chrism Mass have pared down to the essential, eliminating optional parts of the celebration.
In keeping with the SOP protocol, the priestly entrance procession was omitted, as was the gathering of the priests at the altar for the renewal of the priestly vows. For the entrance, only a handful accompanied the main celebrant, Archbishop John Wong, as well as at the altar. The rest of the clergy were seen placed, with social distancing, at the pews to the left and right of the sanctuary.
Forty-one priests and one deacon joined the Archbishop to celebrate Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral Mar 29, after concluding a half-day Study Day in the morning at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre.
After the homily, the Archbishop led the priests of the diocese in a renewal of their priestly vows. It was a moment when the fraternity of the priesthood was visibly expressed by this great gathering of priests during the Chrism Mass. Archbishop noted the faithful gathered and acknowledged their love and support for their priests and bishops.
Archbishop presides the Chrism Mass with the clergy observing SOP to the left and right of the sanctuary
“No matter where we are” referring to those who watched and followed the Mass online, underlined the Archbishop “we are bound together in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the unshakeable and unbreakable bond.”
He added, this bond with Jesus gives us a purpose and a mission, a share in His mission which the world cannot find and yet so evidently needs. And what is this purpose and mission?
The Archbishop expounded, Jesus came to heal our brokenness, fill our lives with good news, and free us from the fears, weaknesses and failures that oppress us. And here we are at Mass, into the celebration of our salvation from darkness and sin, we remember how we have journeyed from darkness to light, from death to life, from sin to union with God in Jesus Christ who has conquered darkness, oppression and death itself.
Therefore, the Chrism Mass reassures us and reminds us that Jesus is close to us, that He continues to carry out His saving work in a wonderful way through the Sacraments of the Church. In the Sacraments, Jesus is present for us. He touches us. The Chrism Mass is about that gentle and loving touch of Jesus.
He continued, in this Mass, we witness the Consecration of the Oil of Chrism which is used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Priesthood. Every person receiving these Sacraments is touched by the hand of the Bishop or by his hand through the touch of the priest who administers these Sacraments. In this way, Jesus touches them.
He explained, the Oil of Catechumens will be put on the chest of our catechumens. In that, Christ touches them and strengthens them to renounce sin and devil through the hand of the priest. And again, through the touch of the priest, the sick is anointed with the Oil and receives from Christ a remedy for the illnesses of the mind and body through the healing of the soul. In sum, Christ touches us through these Sacraments. To be touched by Christ is to be healed and made whole.
This then, underscored the Archbishop, is our day of rejoicing in these great gifts of the Sacraments. It is a day to remind us all to return to these well-springs of true life, despite our current anxieties and fears, and the practical difficulties we face.
The Chrism Mass is indeed a special day of joy for all of us privileged to share in this presbyteral ministry of the Lord. Archbishop prayed that the Lord may preserve us all in our unity with Him. He also prayed for himself and his brother priests, that the Lord will inspire in them, each day, a renewed generosity in the privilege of their lives – their ministry to all God’s holy people.