An agricultural school in Central Africa
By Edoardo Giribaldi
Dec 21 2022
The Laudato Si’ Movement, together with Italian Catholic Action and other Catholic national realities, launch an appeal for “an economy of peace” as a sign of closeness to the people of Ukraine.
“Rise up quickly” (Acts 12:7). Inspired by Pope Francis’ exhortation at the last Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, several Catholic associations, including the Laudato si’ movement and Italian Catholic Action, called other Catholic national realities to work toward sustainability and a “greener” future.
Ecological conversion
“This year,” a press release reads, “place your commitment to divest from fossil fuels as a sign that you have ‘divested’ from your investments in an extractive and plunder economy whose geopolitical interests are causing conflicts around the world and particularly in Ukraine.”
The appeal pointed to the process of “ecological conversion” that the Italian Church is living, playing its role in “changing course toward an economy of peace.” This is possible by encouraging communities “to pray and contemplate the gift of Creation” and embracing “sober personal and community lifestyles.”
Time is short
The communiqué touched on Pope Francis’ words related to the theme of energy transition. “Time is running out! Deliberations must go beyond a mere exploration of what can be done and concentrate on what needs to be done, starting today. We do not have the luxury of waiting for others to step forward or prioritizing short-term economic benefits.”
The Catholic associations highlighted the tragedy of the war. A conflict involving every human being as, recalling Pope Francis’ words for this year’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, “listening to these anguished cries, we must repent and modify our lifestyles and destructive systems.”
Accellerate the transition
“It’s a good time to give synodically witness that we want to change course,” the press release concluded. “In this new phase of the synodal journey, we urgently need a Church that witnesses with deeds that it knows how to do its part in accelerating the ecological transition now. A Church that is, as Pope Francis asked the faithful of the city of Rome, a sacrament of care, on a mission to offer itself and love as God has loved us.” – Vatican News