A screenshot of the new Caritas KK website
By Catholic Sabah
Sep 5 2022
KOTA KINABALU – Caritas Kota Kinabalu is now visible online when they launched their newly-designed website today Sep 5 at 12.00 pm.

Sr Anita James, Coordinator of Caritas KK, said the new website will feature Caritas news and programmes around the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu. It is also a space of information and resources for Caritas volunteers such as document on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.
Sr Anita said that through the website, she hopes that more people would know about Caritas and would be open to volunteer their time and energy towards serving the poor and needy.
“We are inviting parishioners who are still searching for their vocation to come in and volunteer with us,” said Sr Anita.
The website is manned by Caritas Media Team. Prior to the design of the website, they have gathered in several Saturday night sessions since June this year, discussing the contents of the website as well as reflecting on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.
The website is co-created by Caritas KK and Social Communications Commission (SOCCOM) of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu.