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By Aloysius John, Secretary General Caritas Internationalis
Mar 10 2022
CARITAS Internationalis (CI) is holding a month-long initiative to promote women’s leadership and participation during the month of March 2022.
The initiative called Caritas Celebrates Women aims to begin a process of walking together to witness, dialogue and take action to strengthen and enrich the Caritas Confederation through greater participation of women at all levels.
The initiative is promoted by the CI General Secretariat in cooperation with the Committee for Women’s Leadership, Equality and Participation and aims to involve all members of the Caritas Organizations across the globe.
CI has created a page on the website dedicated to Caritas Celebrates Women, with videos, testimonies, resources, a photo exhibition and other information, as well as using social media to promote the initiative.
As part of the Caritas women’s month, Caritas will organize a series of four webinars, with contributions from around the Confederation and also from external stakeholders.
Zoom and YouTube links to join the webinars will be circulated throughout the month.
Below is the webinars’ concept note with further details.
Tuesday 8 March (1530-1700 CET) – “Church and society: Women as builders of dialogue” – in collaboration with the British Embassy to the Holy See
Tuesday, March 15 (15:00-16:30 CET) – “Women as builders of hope: Welcoming and accompanying migrants”
Tuesday, March 22 (10:00-11:30 CET) – “Women as builders of solidarity: Caring for the poor and for our common home”
Tuesday, March 29 (14:30-16:00 CET) – “Women as builders of future: Walking together for Equality, Encounter and Renewal”
For further details, please go to Caritas Celebrates Women.