Procession along Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg (All photos: James Tsau)
By N. Chin
Jul 14 2023
KUCHING — On 11 June 2023, St Joseph’s Cathedral (SJC) celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi in a fully packed church at the 5.00 pm evening Mass, presided by Archbishop Simon Poh and concelebrated by Frs Nicholas Ng, Galvin Ngumbang and Mark Bonchol.
This was followed by a candlelight procession along Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg to manifest our Catholic faith in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The hour-long procession concluded with an outdoor Benediction held at the Belfry area participated actively by all present clergy, religious, seminarians, liturgical ministries and the lay faithful.
In his homily, Archbishop Simon stressed that at every Mass, under the sacramental forms of bread and wine, Jesus gives us His Body and Blood and He is truly present in our midst. As such, whenever we gather for Mass and pray together in Jesus’ name, we come together as the Church, the Body of Christ on earth.
At the same Mass, the Rite of Commissioning for over 90 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion was also held. These brothers and sisters were entrusted with administering the Eucharist during Mass for the Cathedral and Carmelite Chapel, as well as bringing Holy Communion to the sick and housebound at their homes.
This meaningful event was co-ordinated by the parish administrative team working closely with the various groups including the different liturgical ministries, Mandarin Sunday School teachers and children, the sound and technical team led by Sis Catherine Lee, Youth, Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade, Catholic Nurses’ Guild led by Sis Paula Candida, RELA, traffic police, etc. We also acknowledged the many donations received (cash, fresh flowers, etc) and the kind assistance rendered by Bros Albert Chin Shan Hiong, Antonius Budi Darius and Augustine Jee. – Today’s Catholic