This handout picture taken and released by the Vatican press office on Nov. 28, 2017, shows Pope Francis (left) attending a private Mass with Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archibishop of Yangon, in Yangon.(Photo: AFP)
By UCA News reporter
Oct 14 2022
FABC golden jubilee celebrations are scheduled to be held in Bangkok from Oct 12-30.
More than 150 bishops from 29 Asian nations and 50 guests from the Vatican are expected to attend the golden jubilee celebrations of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences that starts today in Bangkok.
Federation president Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangon will lead the Eucharistic celebration that will officially open the two-week-long general conference on Oct. 12.
The general conference aims “to commemorate, celebrate and chart the directions for the coming years. It is only appropriate that we celebrate this journey, despite the challenges, by gazing into the past, the present, and the future,” said a document on the celebration published by the federation.
Some of the key questions the general conference will discuss include how the Church in Asia “can continue to proclaim the Good News in light of the emerging social realities of Asia” and how the federation can effectively serve and support the bishops in Asia more, the document said.
The first few days of the general conference will deliberate on the emerging realities in different Asian countries. Each of the 29 member countries has been invited to present an exposition on the present situation in their countries: political, social, economic, religious and any other challenges for the Catholic Church, said an Oct. 12 press note.
“An important step towards this renewal process of the Church in Asia”
Some of the social realities planned for discussion include the pandemic, globalization, socio-economic and political challenges and the issues of gender; indigenous people, yearnings of the youth, and the transformation of the Church, the press note said.
The gathering will also seek ways for a renewed appreciation of the richness of Asia. Ways for the Church in Asia to contribute to a better Asia and augment its contribution to the Universal Church also will form part of the discussion, according to the document.
The theme of the golden jubilee celebrations is “FABC 50: Journeying together as peoples of Asia“…and they went a different way.” (Mt 2:12).
The general conference is “recognized as an important step towards this renewal process of the Church in Asia” and wider consultations were conducted. Four regional gatherings, meetings of FABC offices, and an online survey were conducted to capture the aspirations of Asian Catholics, the official document said.
The federation, established in 1970, was preparing for the golden jubilee in 2020 but was forced to postpone it because of the pandemic.
The general conference also plans to have several online events to ensure the participation of the wider Catholic population across Asia, organizers said.
“Discerning and envisioning new pathways for the Church”
For example, On Mission Sunday, Oct. 23, the bishop at the general conference will make ‘virtual visits’ to parishes in different member countries, “to guarantee that deliberations do not remain theoretical, and to uphold the duty of building up the Kingdom through loving service,” said the press release.
The following week will be spent “discerning and envisioning new pathways for the Church and working for a better Asia, with experts guiding the delegates through new methodologies,” it said.
Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples will preside over the closing Mass on Oct. 30.
Asian bishops marked the official opening of jubilee celebrations on Aug 22 this year.
To mark the golden jubilee, the FABC has released a theme song The Song of Asia and a special prayer.
The FABC is a voluntary forum of Catholic bishops’ conferences in Asia and has regular members from 19 nations. Its central office is currently based in Bangkok, Thailand. The FABC holds plenary assemblies once every five years to chart new courses for the churches in Asia.
The FABC has multiple committees and offices that facilitate information dissemination and organizing various activities in the Asian region. – UCA News