By Herald Malaysia
July 18 2022
PENANG – The pre-synodal journey of the Malaysian Church has been an opportunity to listen, empathise and speak out with compassion and tenderness for one another.
The journey which commenced late last year in the respective arch/dioceses, came to a high point with the Malaysia Pre-Synod Assembly held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on July 11. It has been an experience and a journey encouraging real involvement and inclusivity. It is a synodal journey aimed at a breakthrough for a Church that understands and articulates her mission of evangelisation and internal self-understanding of our identity, our faith and our mission.
A total of 95 participants comprising bishops, clergy, religious and laity from the nine arch/ dioceses, attended the assembly in person and online. The day-long event encompassed the presentation of the synthesis by the various dioceses, spiritual conversations, silent reflections, an act of commitment and concluded with the Eucharist celebration.
The Archbishop of Kuching, Most Rev Simon Poh, in his homily at the closing Mass, said that after almost a year of asking “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church?” in the respective dioceses, the Malaysian Catholic Church has reached mid-way in the process of the Synod journey.
“As we progress towards the Synod of Bishops in 2023, and later as a Malaysian Church for the Pan Malaysia Pastoral Convention in 2026, the respective reports and synthesis from the arch/dioceses will allow local Churches to take stock of the current situation in her dioceses – the joys and sorrows, celebration and failures. “The pandemic revealed our weaknesses, and the challenges as we moved into digital ministry which, in turn, raised new issues of isolation and men-tal health. Amidst the faithful battling financial, social, and emotional problems, the Church is facing a succession plan as her elderly leaders struggle with health concerns and the lack of knowledge on digitalisation, and many have not prepared younger leaders to take over.”
Archbishop Simon likened the Pre-Synod Assembly to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24;13-35). As they were traumatised after witnessing Jesus’ cruel crucifixion and death, so are the People of God, coming out of a gruesome two-year pandemic. At Emmaus, Jesus first asked what was bothering them, He listened to their grief and story. Then He opened their minds and hearts to the Scriptures and it was only upon their invitation that He stayed and broke bread with them. They then recognised it was the risen Jesus, and it filled them with enough hope to return and share the Good News.
Similarly, the Synod is an opportune time for bishops, priests, church leaders, and lay people from all walks of life to voice their concerns, be listened to and guided by the Holy Spirit, and seek God’s plan for us.
The prelate said when we know God’s burden, we shall see His vision and this will be our mission. For us to see His vision, we need to listen to the Spirit and to each other to renew our faith and find new ways to share the Gospel.
As we move from a Pre-Synod Assembly in our parishes and dioceses, we are reminded of Pope Francis’ statement — that the purpose of the assembly is not to produce more documents but to plant dreams and learn from one another, among other things. We should also avoid formalism, intellectual-ism, and immobilism.
In his closing address, the Bishop of Penang, Rt Rev Sebastian Francis, highlighted Pope Francis’ call to walk together and journey together — that we not be tempted to walk alone but to journey together, with the graces of mutual listening, communicating and silence, all in view of a Dialogue, Discernment, and Decisionmaking for the Discipline of Mission.
The prelate said the mission entrusted by the Father and the Son to the Holy Spirit is always moving forward, preparing, creating humankind and the Church for the unfolding of the Kingdom of God and the second, final, and glorious coming of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit not only guides but is Lord and Giver of Life, leading us all to the Father, through the Son, towards the beatific vision.
So, we must continue to ask, “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church today?” And we must always be Ready, Available, Waiting, and Alert!
Platform for sharing
For those who were not able to participate in the diocesan Synod process, but have something to share directly to our Bishops’ Conference or even to the Synod office at the Vatican, may do so until October 2023 at:
Executive Secretary:
Vatican, Synod matters: