Archbishop John Wong kneels before the cross
Apr 10 2023
The Passion of the Lord or Good Friday (Year A)
7 Apr 2023
Theme: It is accomplished
A. Gospel (John): We have just heard of ‘The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John’. In between, we heard that there was ‘The Agony in the garden – The Arrest – The Judgement – The False Accusation – The Insults, Scourging and Crowning with Thorns-Suffering and Tortured – Finally Death.
1. Jesus went through all these torments, at the end He said: ‘It is should are accomplished’. Maybe we should able, what is being accomplished? The Mission and Will of the Father: so that through His Son, all might be saved, have Salvation and inherit Eternal Life.
2. In order to help us to understand more of the Mission and Will of the Father, let us recall…
i. Genesis: tells us that God created everything – was good and very good. But humanity had chosen to Fall away from God.
ii. The whole humanity had not only fallen away from God, they had also distance themselves from God, and become slave to sin and death.
iii. But God never forgot and abandoned humanity. On the contrary, God used all ways and means to bring them back to Him through Prophets and Kings;
iv. Finally, God sent His own Beloved Son to be the ‘Sacrificial Lamb’ in order to take away our sins, and give us life.
v. This is the Will of the Father and the Mission of His Son Jesus Christ
vi. It is also the mighty Love and Plan of God; (ii) The Faithfulness of God in His Promise; (iii) We pray that we would be faithful in our Baptismal Promises
B. Today, as we come forward to venerate the Cross, let us reflect and ask:
i. What is the Will of the Father to me?
ii. How do I carry-out this Will or Mission of the Father in my life?
1. Today, as we celebrate this ‘Good Friday’, we remember…
i. Jesus, who is sinless, has been nailed to the Cross because of our sins;
ii. Jesus, who is life, has been sacrificed and died of the Cross in order to redeem or save us;
iii. So, the Cross – an instrument of suffering and death, has become the instrument and sign of Victory and Life;
2. Hence, when we come forward to venerate and adore the Cross, know that this Cross is
i. A Victorious Cross;
ii. Triumphant Cross;
iii.Noble Cross.
Note: We should never ever be ashamed of the cross.